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Melanion Imahighelf
Melanion Imahighelf

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Melanion Imahighelf (I-ma-hi e-l-f) is the main character of the user Gurluas. Melanion is a ranger from Quel'thalas dedicated to protect the alliance from its enemies. She likes long walks on the beach and a nice, cold beer. She was born in Quel'thalas but visited Dalaran many times which gave her a respect for humans, gnomes and the occasional dwarf who visited.

She eventually joined the effort against the horde during the second war as an apprentice ranger. Her parents were killed when the Horde attacked the Quel'thalas border When the horde was beaten back Melanion was a fully fledged ranger in her own right. When the horde was beaten back she settled in Stormwind and helped with the rebuilding of the city. When Quel'thalas was destroyed she grieved for the death of her people and did everything she could to help the few high elven refugees. However in the following year a great group of her people was corrupted by power and lust. They became Blood Elves and renounced the old ways. At first Melanion was indifferent to the Blood Elves, until she saw how much they had been corrupted by fel. And the blood elves joined the Horde too, the very same horde(At least thats how she percieves it) that killed her parents. She branded all Blood Elves as traitors to the alliance. But even now some people still glare at her on the street believing all Quel'dorei to have become traitors. Melanion also harbors a secret which appears to make her forget everything around her. What this secret is, remains unknown, all that is known is that Melanion sometime disappears. Nevertheless Melanion does not give up and she is determined to protect the weak and bring justice the Alliance.

Melanion's backstory does not change despite phase wipes, however during Old Hatreds she took a different turn and followed Alleria to Outland. In any subsequent main phase she would not have done so.
